
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers,AAG

借助美国AAG会议交流平台,王静爱教授同美国地理教育者进行交流、讨论,尤其对正在主编的国际教材《中美地理比较》(“A Comparative Geography of China and the U.S.” Editors: Rudi Hartmann , Jing’ai Wang)的讨论。2010年及2013年的年会中,分别有一个专门针对该书的Paper Session,2010年为“5115 A Comparative Geography of China and the U.S.: Physical and Human Geography Perspectives ”,2013年为“5154 Comparing China and the U.S.: Geographic Perspectives in an Era of Globalization and Emerging Asia”。


时间 地点 交流文章 《中美地理比较》讨论 详细
2008 波士顿(Boston) Geographic Education in China: Developing a Model Course China Geography 会议前期(2007年10月),Rudi来京,与王静爱、史培军教授共同讨论书稿的编写大纲; 会议期间,王静爱教授研究生代表王静爱与Rudi 交流书稿进展。 详细
2009 拉斯维加斯
(Las Vegas)
Disaster effect assessment and post-disaster response of Wenchuan Earthquake, China 会议期间,王静爱教授及研究生郝璐与Rudi和部分作者交流部分章节的内容进展; 会后(2009年),北师大区域
2010 华盛顿
1.The Arid and Semi-Arid West: A Comparative Geography of Xinjiang and Colorado
2.Geographical Patterns and Driving Forces: A China-USA Comparison
3.A Comparative Study of China-USA Integrated Catastrophe Risk Management
会议期间,双方部分作者讨论交流书稿的关键内容。 会后,Rudi和王静爱签订与Springer出版社合同书。 详细
2011 西雅图
1.Study on Land-use Structure Optimization of Karst Desertification Areas in Guizhou Province
2.Quantitative Inversion of Soil Wind Erosion Based on Field Survey and RS, GIS, GPS techniques in Yuyang county of Mu Us Sandy Land
3.Application of Farming Proverbs in the Planting and Drought Adaptation of Winter Wheat: Taking Henan Province as a Case
会议期间,双方部分作者讨论交流书稿进展。 会后(2011年5月),王静爱邀请Rudi参加中国地理教学研究会的野外考察,并讨论书稿进展。 详细
2012 纽约
(New York)
1.Frost risk assessment of winter wheat in China: a approach integrate growingseason meteorological index and hybrid fuzzy neural network model
2.Retrieval Model of Wind Erosion Quantity through Field Survey andRemote Sensing Data: a case study in Mu Us Desert over China
3.The design and compilation of Atlas of National Disaster Risk in China
4.Household Agricultural Drought Risk Assessment Based on Field Investigation-- Case Study of Xinghe in China
会议期间,双方部分作者讨论交流书稿,全书第一稿提交主编。 会后(2012年11月),Rudi在北师大与中方作者修改书稿。 详细
2013 洛杉矶
(Los Angeles)
1.Comparative study of Population density spatial-temporal patterns and driving forces between China and America
2.NPP spatio-temporal change analysis on the South Karst region in China under the background of Climate warming
3.Research on BRICS’ differences and relations from multi-perspectives
4.Risk assessment and adaptation of crops to drought at the scale of administrative village:taking the Xinghe County in Northern China as an example
会议期间,全书第二稿提交主编。王静爱、史培军、叶涛副、叶信岳及相关学生就下一步工作进行了讨论。 会后(2013年9月),Rudi在北师大与与王静爱、叶涛、连芳修改全书第三稿。 详细
2014 佛罗里达
Global Risk Assessment of Agricultural Drought
2015 芝加哥
Risk assessment and prevention od salinization——A case study of Huanghua City, Hebei Province, China
2015 华盛顿
(Washington D.C.)
1.Facing Globalization:Genaral Education Course Construction Image for A Comparative Geography of China and the U.S.——Teachers、Teaching and materials and Courses
2.A Study of Progressive Training on Geospatial Thinking Ability
2016 旧金山
(San Francisco)
1."Top-down" based Agricultural drought adaptation research under the Grain for Green Project of China
2.Automatic Type Recognition and Mapping of Global Typhoon Disaster Chains
2017 波士顿
1.Design and implementation of the test system of the course "Remote Sensing China"
2.The distribution change of human population by altitude in China
2019 华盛顿
(Washington D.C.)
1.Investigation and Countermeasures of China’s Middle School Disaster Reduction Education
2.Social Network Efficiency of Multiple Stakeholders in Dingcheng, China, on Agricultural Drought Risk Governance
3.Establishment and Characteristics Analysis of Crop-drought Vulnerability Curve: a Case Study of European Winter Wheat
4.Study on Maize Vulnerability Curve under Different Precipitation Trends: A Case Study of the United States